In season 2, he meets Frank Castle (The Punisher) in prison. I love his portrayal of the Punisher.
Anyway, when they meet, Fisk is bench pressing in the yard and it looks like a lot giving nods to the great strength of his comic book counterpart. I was curious, how much is he actually lifting? Let's figure it out...
A shot of one end of the bar shows 5 plates of weight, meaning that he has 10 on the bar. But there's no way to identify the scale really in this picture.
So I watched a little more and took a second shot. This give us a sense of scale.
Kingpin is benching 10x50lb plates, plus 35 lbs for the bar means he was bench pressing 535 lbs by my estimate, and doing a pretty easy job of it. No wonder he can decapitate his underlings with car doors.